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NOTIC before travel in Tibet

更新時間:2019-08-01 17:15:57   點擊211424  來源:四川國旅

The preparing work before travel in Tibet

1, Before entering Tibet, must carry out physical exercise, but before 10 to 15 days or so, should stop exercise;


2, 7-10 days before travel to Tibet, started taking plateau rhodiola, until out of the lower part of the Tibet reaches the sea dials;


3, Travel to Tibet before, had better go to normal hospital for medical examination, heart, lung, brain and blood system diseases patients, unfavorable to; Who has a cold not good before, unfavorable also to go.


Second, the matters needing attention after Tibet


1, It is best not to smoke, drink, prevent respiratory tract infection, take necessary emergency medicine and other items;


2, Must have good psychological quality, optimistic mood, worry too much about, anxious thoughts, poor sleep may cause altitude sickness is aggravating;


3, To the plateau, at the beginning of the motion of intense of don't, not with a loud cry, or are very quiet; It is best not to take a bath, to prevent a cold, cause altitude sickness;


4, Eat more fruits, vegetables, such as unconditional oral vitamin C, three times a day. Drink more boiled water, but each time can't drink;


5, Plateau response is generally can be self-healing, symptoms of the heavier, symptomatic treatment, such as oxygen (suction) shall not, had better not, analgesia, sedation, oral amidopyrine and phenacetin compound tablet and valium, Tibetan medicine "rhodiola root" Fried water can relieve altitude sickness; Should avoid overworked, cold and upper respiratory tract infection;


6, Plateau climate changing, especially the temperature is low in the morning and at night, is to (must) be ready to woolen sweater and thermal underwear, etc. When outdoor activities should pay attention to wear sunglasses and hat, to prevent ultraviolet damage;


7, In the Tibetan diet should choose easy to digest food of high quantity of heat, not overeating, dinner especially should pay attention to not excessive, lest Increase burden of gastrointestinal, make the compression of heart and lung, chest tightness flustered. Entering the plateau, sleep can use half supine position, to alleviate the burden of heart and lung.


8, The tibetans to the dog is very love, absolutely can't really beating it. Tibet for the dragons of the many, must pay attention to the prevention, prevention methods: bend to carry stones scare. If in the Tibetan mastiff, which is only one way: go! Run the sooner the better.


Third, the Tibetan absolute taboo

1, The Tibetan is absolutely forbidden to eat donkey, horse meat and dog meat, don't eat fish in some areas.


2, When toasting, the guest should dip in with ring finger first a little wine play into the air, three times in a row, to worship, and ancestor, and then gently sip, the host will fill in time, and then drink a full again, even to drink three, full to the fourth, must drink off.


3, When having a meal to eat not full, bite not phonate, drink not the ring.


4, When drinking tea, the host pours tea, guests want to stay master both hands to the front, to took to drink.


5, Taboo in others spit back, take the palm of your hand.


6, Temple, on the mani pile, pagodas and other religious facilities, must detour from left to right.


7, May not cross multiplier, brazier.


8, Approved by cone, the wheel must not reverse.


9, Taboo other people touch the top of the head.


Fourth, the other considerations

1, See monks best etiquette is folded hands, bow slightly, do not shake hands, hug.


2, Communicating with the lama had better avoid to mention handsfree and nail slaughter, marriage, etc., also don't inquire about consumption of red meat such as.


3, Don't talk loudly in temples or violent unrest in touch, in case of buddhist activities, still best's visual or quietly leave.


4, Lama temple, the monk should call them the "lama".


5,, Six words means "! May I merit a complete, with the Buddha!"


6, Had better take to prepare some cigarettes, candy, gift and stationery, etc., and thank you for a ride on the way or passers-by for help, or to the local material lack of optimal learning children.


7, When you take a photo in Tibet, such as some candy or stationery gifts to local children, they will be very happy, will be beneficial to communication exchanges with them, but not recommended for money.


8, In the bajiao street walk to remember with the tibetans in clockwise direction to walk, not only otherwise it is difficult to break from rolling the crowd, the Tibetan compatriots will be regarded as blasphemous.


9, Watch the celestial burial Tibet had no limits, then in order to avoid the disrespect for the dead to ban tourists to watch, do not recommend to watch the burial. First is related to personal privacy, celestial burial of the dead family members are reluctant to outsiders, it is human nature. Second, some tourists peep without permission, even to take out the photos to show off a pathetic. Tibetans are a friendly people, came here should try to respect their customs and habits.


10, Tibet is not the most industrial and commercial bank, but bank of China, the small town after bank will rarely leave Lhasa. A good way to use the post office can yet be regarded as withdrawal; If you are in Lhasa as the hub, you have money in the bank of China is best to open a short-term deposit account, avoid a bring too much cash in the body.


11, Please protect the last piece of pure land, any one place to go to Tibet before, please don't forget to prepare garbage bags, and the patch for the trip back to the base of the garbage collection point, environmental protection is the duty of each and every one of us. 12, in the Tibetan diet need to pay attention to, avoid to drink without boiling water and eat undercooked meat. After leaving the city if you want to drink water, the best buy packaging in some fact closely bottle water or drink, or should boil or themselves in the water disinfection. Add ice drink be especially wary of, if not sure water



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