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World’s Heritages Huangshan Mountain

更新時間:2019-08-01 09:38:56   點擊211519  來源:四川國旅


World’s Heritages Huangshan Mountain  

*English & mandarin speaking guide service中英文導游



Highlights of this tour:


the world's natural and cultural heritages——【Huangshan】.


 the world's cultural heritages——【Hongcun】.


delicate Anhui cuisine, one of the eight traditional Chinese cuisine


much-favored Xihai Canyon sightseeing train


taste local tea on the site of 2000-year-old She village wall, enjoy and learn Hui Opera



Standard of this tour:


High-level quality service;


No shopping, No self-funded, no hidden consumption;

特色3:中英文雙語優秀導游 ,全程溝通無障礙。

English & mandarin speaking guide service.





Today, Upon arrival at Huangshan airport,.


go to 【Tunxi Ancient Street】With a history of hundreds of years, Tunxi Old Street stretches 1273 meters in length and 8 meters in width, which is the best-preserved commercial street built in Ming and Qing dynasties. Tunxi Old Street is known for its ancient dwellings of Hui architectural style.




Today's plan is【Huangshan】.


【Huangshan】Located in southern Anhui Province, Mt. Huangshan is one of the most famous and beautiful mountainous areas in China. It was listed as a World Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1990. Outstanding natural beauty is Huangshan's number one feature. The Mt. Huangshan’s classic attractions are known as its "Four Natural Wonders": the imaginatively-named pines, oddly-shaped rocks, seas of cloud, and hot springs.


Take Yungu cable car to ride up


[Shixinfeng Mountain]"You can never truly believe its wonder until you come and see by yourself.” That is how "Shixinfeng Mountain" (It means “then you will believe it” when translated into English)got its name. A lot of famous Huangshan pine trees gather there, among which Shisungang(bamboo stone bridge) is crowned as the best wonder in Huangshan. The scenic spot “18 Luo Han towards the south China sea” is very vivid and fascinating.

【始信峰】 “豈有此理,說也不信;真正妙絕,到此方知”。這就是“始信峰”的由來了。匯聚了很多的黃山名松。如:連理松、接引松龍爪松、臥龍松、探海松等,“石筍矼”號稱“黃山第一奇觀”,“十八羅漢朝南海”惟妙惟肖,引人入勝。

【Shizifeng Mountain】 Shizifeng Mountain looks like a lion. The cool terrace half way up the mountain is perfect for viewing.



[Sanhua cove]In the cove mountains stand, pine trees flourish. Pine trees and stones in different shapes, to take Mengbishenghua(flower grown from a pen)、Bijiafeng(penholder mountain)、Jiang’s fishing(from an ancient Chinese allusion) for example.




Today's plan is【Huangshan】and【Hongcun】.


【Xihai Grang Canyon &train one way trip】 Scenery here differs from the majesty in mountains of front Huangshan, but piled up like crumbled blocks. Mountains towering up, spectacular and picturesque. Breathtaking scenery is everywhere, and every step renders a different view. You will be very impressed.


【Guangmingding Peak】1860 meters in height, Guangmingding Peak is the third highest mountain and the dividing point of front and back Huangshan. Riding up, then you get a bird's-eye view of the entire Huangshan mountain


【Hongcun】Located in Jixian County, it is known as the Taohuayuan people's reputation. It is also a world cultural heritage and also the opening of the Oscar four award-winning film "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon". The design and construction took several generations and took two hundred years to complete, which is a miracle in the history of architecture.

【宏村】位于黟縣,素有桃花源里人家的美譽,是世界文化遺產同時也是獲得奧斯卡四項大獎影片—「臥虎藏 龍」影片開鏡地。參觀布局奇特的「牛形村」--宏村,設計及構造歷經幾代、費時兩百年才完成,是建筑史上的奇跡,參觀牛胃—月塘、牛肚—南湖及南湖書院,另參觀號稱雕梁畫棟比北京故宮更金碧輝煌的承志堂,幾十幅木雕中以『唐肅宗宴客圖』,其雕工之細膩、形象之逼真、設計之精巧,貴為世間少有之杰作。



Today's plan is 【Shexian ancient city】,then send guests to the airport.


【Shexian ancient city】It was built in the Qin Dynasty and has a history of more than 2,000 years. It is the birthplace of Huizhou Studies, divided into inner city and outer city. There are four gates: east, south, west and north. In addition, it also retains Wengcheng, City gate, Ancient Street, Ancient Lane, etc. There is the world's only octagonal archway - Xu Guoshifang, the water conservancy project thousands of years ago - Yuliangba, the former residence of the great man Tao Xingzhi, sitting on the ancient city tower, tasting the stall tea, watching  the originator of the Beijing opera - the Hui opera performance.



2019 WPFG official Agency

Sicilian China International Travel Service, Co., Ltd.     



Ms.Bella,English Market Manager







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