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Join the kongfu tour 3N4D

更新時間:2019-07-30 11:10:45   點擊211449  來源:四川國旅

Join the kongfu tour 3N4D



*Small Group小團  *English & mandarin bilingual speaking guide servic中英文導游  

* No Shopping 杜絕購物




Highlights of this tour


Shaolin temple is the birth place of China Kongfu and Zen Buddhism.


       Experience Kongfu 2hours.


        Visit the graves of the highly respected monks of Shaolin Temple.


        Luoyi old town with beautiful light show in Wenfeng pagoda and here you may see old city wall with history of more than 1000 years old.


        You will visit one of the three most well famed Buddhist grottoes in China--Longmen Grottoes.


        Visit the White Horse Temple with a history of more than 1900 years.




    Characteristic of this tour


           High-level quality service;


            No shopping, No self-funded, no hidden consumption;

特色3、中英文雙語優秀導游 ,全程溝通無障礙。

            English & mandarin bilingual speaking guide service.




    第一天 Day1  鄭州 ZHENGZHOU  


On arrival of Zhengzhou airport/train station, meet guide and transfer to hotel, overnight in Zhengzhou.


     第二天 Day2  鄭州-登封 ZHENGZHOU-Dengfeng


            Meet guide in Zhengzhou hotel lobby and transfer to Shaolin temple.


Reach to Shaolin temple.

*10:00am:在劇場觀看功夫表演,武術表演- -少林是中華武術中體系最龐大的門派,武功套路高達七百種以上,又因以禪入武,習武修禪,又有「武術禪」之稱。

Enjoy Kongfu show in theater,many people from all over the world like to watch 

Kongfu Show along with the temple, and I believe that you will have impressive

memory for the Kongfu show in the theater.

*10:45am:參觀少林寺,塔林,由于其座落于嵩山腹地少室山的茂密叢林之中,故名「少林寺」。少林寺因少林武僧潛心研創和不斷發展的少林功夫而名揚天下,有 「天下功夫出少林,少林功夫甲天下」之說。

Visit Shaolin temple and Pagoda Forest,it is located at the dense jungle forest and the foot of Songshan Mountain, Shaolin temple was built in 495 AD in northern Wei dynasty, in order to arrange the residence for the Indian Monk Batuo so Emperor Xiaowen built the temple for him.It’s the birth place of China Kongfu and Zen Buddhism.


Chinese Lunch.


         Follow the kongfu master for 2hours Kongfu studying in Kongfu school.

*18:30pm: 返回酒店(洛陽)

Reach to hotel in Luoyang.


第三天 Day3  洛陽 LUOYANG

*08:00am 從酒店出發。

         Depart from hotel.

*10:30am 參觀龍門石窟,今存有窟龕2345個,造像10萬余尊,碑刻題記2800余品。游覽奉先寺--龍門石窟規模最大、藝術最為精湛的一組摩崖型群雕,也是龍門石窟的精華所在。

         Visit Longmen Grottoes. There are 2345 grottoes, 2800 tablets, 70 pagodas and over 100000 statues carved. You will visit Fengxian Temple, the essence of Longmen as it’s the largest open-air niche here. 

*12:30pm 中式午餐。

         Chinese lunch.

*14:00pm 參觀白馬寺,了解第一座官辦寺院的歷史。

         Visit White Horse Temple. Learn about the history of the first official temple.


         Visit Luoyang old town and light show in Luoyi Old Town, a place where you can play, eat, drink, stay and shop.

*20:00pm: 返回酒店。

Reach to hotel.


第四天 Day4  離開 Departure


Meet guide and transfer to airport for bullet train to next city. End of service.


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