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7-Day Classic Tour to the Silk Road

更新時間:2019-07-30 10:17:58   點擊211196  來源:四川國旅

7-Day Classic Tour to the Silk Road



D1:  成都 Q蘭州                              


We will fly to Lanzhou-the capital city of gansu, and pick up at zhongchuan airport, then check in hotel after dinner.

午餐lunch: 機上 on the plane           晚餐supper: 蘭州拉面風味  beef noodle


D2:蘭州v武威(車程約4小時) lanzhou vwuwei(about 4H)  


After breakfast we will visit baitashan park, we will visit Yellow Rive month statue, Zhongshan Iron Bridge, which is the iconic scenic spots of Lanzhou. Then we’ll visit water wheel park. After that we will drive to wuwei to visit the famous Leihantai tomb.


早餐:breakfast  酒店內 at hotel   午餐:lunch中式合菜  Chinese style food     晚餐: supper武威沙米粉或三套車風味                   


D3 武威v張掖(車程5.5小時) wuwei vzhangye    

早餐后繼驅車前往張掖參觀著名的【大佛寺】, 創建于西夏永安六年,殿中有一尊釋迦牟尼側身涅盤像,栩栩如生. 【馬蹄寺石窟】馬蹄寺位于肅南裕固族自治縣境內;北距張掖市65公里,是集石窟藝術、祁連山風光和裕固族風情于一體的旅游區。馬蹄寺石窟由勝果寺、普光寺、千佛洞、金塔寺、上、中、下觀音洞七處組成,共有70余處窟龕,始建于北涼。馬蹄寺因傳說中的天馬在此落有馬蹄印而得名。傳說中的馬蹄印跡現存于普光寺馬蹄殿內,成為鎮寺之寶。

After breakfast, we will drive to visit The Giant Buddha Temple which is the largest architectural heritage from the Western Xia Dynasty (1038-1227). The gold-plated and painted Giant Buddha lies in the Nirvana position in the middle of the hall. The whole Buddha is 34.5 meters long and 7.5 meters wide between its two shoulders. One can easily take a sound nap on the Buddha's finger, and his ear is big enough for eight people to sit side by side! Then we will drive to visit Malatya beige grottoes.


早餐:breakfast酒店內 at hotel 午餐:lunch 中式合菜  Chinese style food   晚餐:supper 張掖甘州第一排 special  rib test of zhangye



D4 張掖v嘉峪關 zhangyevjiayuguan (3.5小時/3.5h)     

早餐后前往參觀彩色丹霞地貌 (含區間車) - 形成于600萬年前,面積約510多平方公里,是中國唯一的丹霞地貌與彩色丘陵景觀復合區,被《中國國家地理》雜志評為中國最美的七大丹霞地貌之一.后乘車前往嘉峪關.

After breakfast, we will visit Zhangye Danxia Landform. It is concentrated predominantly in Linze and Sunan counties in Gansu Province. It is both the largest and the most typical of China's arid area danxia landforms. Because of aridity, the Zhangye Danxia Landform differs from that of south China. It is very dry and desolate, without any vegetation, so geologists call this "window lattice and palace-shaped Danxia topography”.

Zhangye Danxia Landform is surrounded by colorful hills, which seem to rise and fall like waves: with rock strata of different colors mixed in graceful disarray, it is an imposing and magnificent sight.


早餐breakfast:酒店內 at hotel 午餐 lunch中式合菜 Chinese style food       

 晚餐:supper汽鍋雞風味  the economic chicken


D5嘉峪關v敦煌(車程約5.5小時)  jiayuguanvdunhuang(about 5.5h)           


早餐后【嘉峪關城樓】,此城樓興建于明洪武五年,雖是萬里長城最西端關卡,但比山海關建成時間還早;城樓兩側的城墻橫穿沙漠戈壁,北連黑山懸壁長城,城本身由內城、外城、城壕叁道防線組成重疊并守之勢,形成五里一燧,十里一墩,叁十里一堡,一百里一城的軍事防御體系.之后專車后車前往有『絲路明珠』之稱的敦煌市。 續前往【鳴沙山】,鳴沙山為一沙漠地帶,月牙泉在鳴沙山懷抱之中,茫茫大漠之中亭臺樓榭,再加上起伏的沙山,清澈的泉水,景致令人畢生難忘;月牙地處鳴沙山中,因其形狀似月牙而名之,沙漠之中有泉不干凅、飛沙填不滿,實乃自然界一大奇景。

After breakfast, we will drive to visit jiayuguan tower. The structure lies between two hills, 8km to the north is Over Hanging Great wall on the Black mountain ,7km to the south is a famous watch tower.

早餐breakfast:酒店內 at hotel 午餐 lunch:中式合菜 Chinese style food         晚餐supper:絲路風情宴  special silk road test 






后參觀【敦煌市博物館】, 敦煌市博物館位于敦煌市陽關東路,是以歷史文物



After breakfast, we will visit The Mogao Caves which is known as the Caves of the Thousand Buddhas. It has 492 temples. The caves may also be known as the Dunhuang Caves, and has listed as a World Cultural Heritage by UNESCO.

早餐:酒店內 at hotel 午餐:中式合菜  Chinese style fod         

晚餐:農家風味Special flavor of local


D7:敦煌 Q成都


早餐后送機返回.After breakfast we will send the group at dunhuang airport.


2019 WPFG official Agency

Sicilian China International Travel Service, Co., Ltd.     



Ms.Bella,English Market Manager







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